State Information

US map 


General Information

The USA is a federal Republic consisting of 50 states and the Federal district of Columbia (Washington DC) which is the nations Capital.  There are 48 states on mainland USA stretching over 2500 miles from East to West from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.


In 1959 Alaska joined the union as the 49th State and is also the largest.  photo of alaskaIt is situated to the North West of Canada and is separated from Russia by the Bering Straits.


The last State to join the Union was Hawaii in 1960 which is a group of Islands in the mid-Pacific approximately 2500 miles southwest of mainland of hawaii



Individual States

To find detailed information about the 50 states please choose from the list below

To see a country map showing all the states please click on 

                                              Flag map image  
courtesy of